at 7:53 p.m.
on the 2004-05-22
I Love Nikki

(Let's start this entry with a single word that I think, sums life up, perfectly...)Fuck. Say it loud and say it clear...then wash it down with some alcohol. Whiskey, vodka, jack and

Right now I'm drinking WKD (not much in the world can beat blue vodka in the cool stakes), chattin to Loz, Sia and Fizzy (*hugs* to all), listening to Bright Eyes (because Conor is the most beautiful emo- ever) and trying to figure out why I am so obsessive over the (ex...noo...*cries*)year elevens.

Well...I have figured it out. All the girls are nice, for starters, so fancying them (yeh, ok, so I have since the start but I never told no-one) makes me wanna look at them. Then there is the utter coolness of a gay, goth dude in make-up, and the shyness makes him adorable. Next? Well they...just...rock. Wooh. There's some rocket science for ya. Nah, but they do...they're kinda, like, what I picture me being in the future, cool, and weird, and emo...maybe I am already? Well not the cool thing, but, yup, I 'look up' to them. And it gave us something to do, didn't it? Following them, watching them...talking about them...when they were singing Queen! *Giggles!*

But I should stop thinking about them now, makes me all upsetted, cause they gone and all *sob*. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. And I LOVE Nikki. Me, obsessive? NO! But...ok...maybe...*glomps Nikki where she may be*.

But...good stuff? Went to the optitions today, apparently my eyesite has deteriated quite badly, but, that means, I get new glasses! Yay! I choose these rad emo-ish ones, in kinda two tone black/blue. I'm getting them on Monday (after counsilling). So yay. Soooper Emo Rae!

I was gonna get stripey hair, remember? Well now I'm gonna get it re-dyed black and then get chunks of red put throught it, because the blue and purple wouldn't work cause I already have my hair dyed a dark shade. No biggy though, should still look nice. Getting it done in half-term, when I'm also gettting some more holes in my ears, Lol. *Looks all excited!*

I wish I could hang out with some friends right now...I'm talking to Emy and Sia online but I need to see somebody. It's too late to go to town though *pouts* I'll stay in and be bored. My rper is away until tommorow and I can't find any good slash fics that I haven't already read 10 times over. Le sigh. Is there anything else to do? Umm, I could probably go upstairs and watch a movie. But what movie? Maybe I should write. I keep meaning to write some incredible, romantic, angsty, emo fic. With lots of emo and screamo pairings. The Used, TBS, Thursday, Bright Eyes, Finch etc...but, can I be assed right now? Maye I should just write Nikki 500 times on a document. That's all I seem capable of right now. Grrr, I'm l-a-m-e.

She is pretty though. With her *new* reddish hair, and that smile...all dazzling and white. She got pretty eyes and cool glasses...she hugs nice...she has a hott ass. She is so kind and friendly...and *squeals and faints*.

I really need to find something to do, don't I? Maybe I just used up all my energy breaking down before. I stormed upstairs crying three times and just felt like cutting twice but I knew that I couldn't. I couldn't get a blade without anyone seeing. Le sigh.

I want to go to school on Monday to see my friends. The year elevens might come in for a little bit too, to do their GCSEs *huuuge smile*. Yayness. Nik Nikness. School work is shitty though, and getting stuff chucked at us...water bombs, evil teachers...grrr. If it was just friends and year The Kourts, it'd be fine...yeh. Neeed to go to town. Well, I am, next Saturday, with Fizzy and maybe Amy. Yay. Shoppingness...Kourtsness...looking for year elevenness.

Ok, well I'll be going...might be back later, if I'm still booo-ooored...

Love Rae Rea *hugs to Nikkiness and other yr.11s*

Before this Nightmare
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